Not your ordinary bag
We make the bags to carry what's important to you. A bag serves a whole range of purposes but if it is well designed and properly made it enhances and enables the use of its contents.
Proflight develop products for customers that are designed to suit a specific purpose, protecting, lifting, storing, sorting, transporting.
Not your ordinary bag manufacturer
Let us share our know how combining the latest innovations in fabric technology such as Anti-microbial products and cutting edge design to give you fantastic product that fits your precise requirements.
Our Products
Custom Bags
Our custom bags range does what it says on the tin. Think of an application and we’ve probably made a bag for it.
Emergency Bags
Emergency Service must be able to deploy fast and know exactly where their equipment is at all times.
Industrial Bags
Our industrial and commercial bags are very much focused on providing bags for a specific purpose.
Not Just Bags
Our Technical capability with fabrics and sewing means that we can turn our hands to many types of products.
Some of our Customers
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Latest Case Studies
FloodEx Exhibition
Posted on May 11, 2017 in Trade Show
We are proud to announce that we will exhibit at FloodEx exhibition at Peterborough Arena on 17th and 18th of May. FloodEx exhibition is all about flood prevention, and we believe our high-quality custom bags would be the right product for the visitors who are looking for the best products of the industry. FloodEx Opening […]
The Secrets to Cylinder Covers
Posted on April 14, 2016 in Emergency Bags
Cylinder covers seem a pretty basic thing to manufacture… its just a cylinder of fabric right? Well we would have to disagree, we see our cylinder covers as potentially live saving pieces of equipment to our emergency services. Meaning each item is subject to a quality review and has a few additional extras to make […]